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We're not crazy, just crazy about cats

For you, happiness is a purring cat in your lap, a gentle headbonk or a soft paw waking you up in the morning. You love your cats, and are proud to be a cat lady.

CatLadyBox is all about helping you show this off by surprising you each month with a box of delightful, unique, covetable cat-themed items. From shirts to jewelry, home decor and more, we're all about showing off your cat lady pride in the most amazing ways.

The CatLadyBox Mission

It's time to kick the "crazy cat lady" stereotype to the curb. We all know cats make amazing pets, and the people who own them are amazing as well! We want to help change the way the world thinks of cat ladies. Imagine the difference it would make and how many more cats would be adopted if everyone knew being a cat lady is the thing to be!

Our mission is to change the way people think about cat lovers and cat parents.  We are not that one extreme person they see on the news every now and then. We are beautiful, intelligent, fun, successful, big-hearted, respect-worthy women... who love cats.

Saving cats is something we've always been passionate about, and we want to help save even more lives. So the goal at CatLadyBox is to find unique, envy-worthy cat-themed items to help you show off your cat lady pride, show off just how many of us there are, how fabulous we are, and how amazing we think cats are. Together, we can make a huge difference for cats, one new cat lady (and cat guy) at a time!

The Story Behind CatLadyBox

In the beginning...

It all started with this crazy picture. Or maybe it started before the picture, but the picture is what really did it. This is the founder of CatLadyBox, Dorian Wagner, passing out the treats at a local cat shelter. That photo has made the rounds all over the Internet in the past several years, often appearing next to the term "crazy cat lady", which is usually fine by her. She's not crazy. Just crazy about cats, as are most of you reading this!

Six years ago, Dorian founded Your Daily Cute, a blog dedicated to cute cat videos. A year later, with the support of the blog's thousands of animal-loving followers, she started Santa Paws Drive, an annual holiday toy and treat drive for shelter animals. The next year, she teamed up rescue connections she made through the drive and started Cute Transport Network, a network of hundreds of volunteers who help drive cats to new homes and no-kill shelters all over the country. More than 450 cats have been saved through this incredible program in the past two years alone. That's some serious cat lady power!

Where we are today...

There are tons of monthly subscription boxes out there for cats and dogs, but none actually for YOU... Until now! It's time to show off your cat-lady pride and help the world see that being a cat lady is a great thing to be! Subscribe to CatLadyBox and each month we'll surprise you with a box of unique finds for cat lovers, exclusive members-only cat lady items and covetable cat-themed creations you'll be proud to flaunt!

We'll hand-select a fabulous assortment of high-quality cat-themed jewelry, stylish shirts and accessories, cat-inspired inspired decor, glassware, and more, and deliver them right to your door (free shipping in the U.S. and only $12.95 to Canada!). It's like getting the most purrfect presents, over and over again! Join today for yourself and be the envy of all your friends... or give a CatLadyBox subscription to your cat-loving friends and be forever known as the best gift-giver ever.  After all, who better to curate a box of amazing cat lady things than the Internet's most famous cat lady herself, right?

Subscribe today!